
Mistborn™ Coins

Created by Shire Post Mint

Four brand new coin designs from the world of Mistborn™. The coins come from two distinct time periods in the series: Era 1 (The Final Empire) and Era 2 (Elendel). The coin art was designed at Dragonsteel Entertainment by Isaac Stewart and inked by Ben McSweeney. Brandon Sanderson approved the design, metal, weights, and styles of each coin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys Away!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:14:55 PM

As of right now, all 1,700+ surveys have been sent out, and over 800 of you have already answered your surveys. Thank you!

A Fixed Issue
As several of you let us know, we had an issue with shipping charges not applying properly for international backers. This issue should be fixed for everyone, and Backerkit should now deduct the correct amount to be used for shipping. If you're not in the US and were one of the first 500 backers, Backerkit might have given you five or ten extra dollars to spend on add-ons. That will no longer be the case, so you may want to check your order and adjust accordingly. Thanks to everyone who made us aware of this issue and helped us resolve it.

Your Survey Email
Your Backerkit survey is waiting for you in your inbox, go fill it out! The subject line will read, "Response Needed -- Get Your Reward for Mistborn™ Coins". If you can't find your email, let us know and we'll get things sorted.

Survey Deadline
Of course, the sooner you fill our your survey, the sooner we can get final numbers to our suppliers (and know how many coins we need to mint), and the sooner we can start fulfilling your orders. We're aiming to lock down orders on December 1st, so it's important to get your surveys completed before then. If you miss that period, you'll still receive your rewards, but we'll have to make additional orders at a later date, significantly increasing the time it takes to get your reward. You definitely want to complete your survey sooner rather than later.

We'll see you in the next update!

First Surveys About to Go Out - Pre-Orders Open Too!
over 6 years ago – Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 08:29:30 PM

Hello backers!

We've been working hard dotting our t's and crossing our eyes and working with the great people at Backerkit to make sure all of the cool stuff we promised is ready to go, and today, the first surveys will go out!

These first surveys will be sent to a small segment of every pledge level so we can make sure everything is working properly. Thanks to your amazing support, we have many more backers than we're used to, and could easily become overwhelmed if something is forgotten or wrong.

If you're one of the first backers to receive your survey, great! Fill it out as normal, make sure you're receiving the rewards you expect, and if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to use the "Need Help?" feature at the top of the survey page. This will help us make sure things go smoothly for all of our backers.

If you're not one of the very first surveys, don't worry! Your surveys will arrive just as soon as we see there are no major problems. None of the add-ons are limited quantities, and this won't effect how soon you receive your reward.

A Reminder About Surveys

Your survey will NOT come from Kickstarter. It will come from This is correct and is NOT spam.

In your survey you will be asked to make any choices pertaining to your pledge level. If you wish, you may also purchase add-ons through Backerkit. If you don't want any other add-ons, you do NOT need to add your credit card information, but you DO need to complete the survey to receive your rewards. Just click the "Next" button, confirm your shipping address, and click "Place my order". If you haven't selected any add-ons, no payment information is needed!

Pre-Orders are Open

Mistborn coins are also now available for pre-order! If you missed out on the Kickstarter or if you have friends who would also like Mistborn coins, please let them know that the coins are available for pre-order. Just go to the main Mistborn coins Kickstarter page and click the blue Pre-Order button!

Pre-orders are currently scheduled to ship in February after all backer rewards have been fulfilled.

Surveys almost ready!
over 6 years ago – Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 09:31:37 PM

Hey backers! 

Since the end of the campaign, we've been getting ready for fulfillment: minting coins, designing packaging, and getting a head start on putting sets and keychains together. 

Era 2 Clips ready to be packed in sets
Era 2 Clips ready to be packed in sets


Our packer and jeweler Steve prepping Era 2 Boxings for Keychains
Our packer and jeweler Steve prepping Era 2 Boxings for Keychains


Era 2 Clips ready to be made into Twinborn Keychains
Era 2 Clips ready to be made into Twinborn Keychains

 Backerkit Surveys

We should have our Backerkit approved and ready to send by Tuesday or Wednesday of this coming week. That survey email will come from Backerkit and not from Kickstarter, but I will send an update out around that time so you know to look for it. 

My Backerkit survey email from The Name of the Wind Art Deck campaign
My Backerkit survey email from The Name of the Wind Art Deck campaign


Preview of the Backerkit survey with add-ons
Preview of the Backerkit survey with add-ons

 Display Stand

Display Stand .50 each
Display Stand .50 each


Era 2 Set on a Display Stand
Era 2 Set on a Display Stand

 The Mistborn level will come with 2 separate Era-specific sets like so:

"Mistborn" level rewards on Display Stand
"Mistborn" level rewards on Display Stand

 Packaging design is not finalized and is subject to change. 


I hope you're ready for these awesome coins! 

-Helen, Shire Post Mint

Campaign End: 1200% Funded!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 10:45:41 AM

Thank you!

More than 1700 backers joined together to pledge over $120,000 towards these new Mistborn Coins. We're humbled and thrilled that you've welcomed us into the Cosmere family with such enthusiasm. We can't wait to get these coins into your hands!

Vin and Kelsier's Flattened Clip

We were less than $5k away from $125k, the stretch goal that unlocked Vin and Kelsier's Flattened Clip! Since it was so close, we will count funds raised in Backerkit towards this stretch goal and release this coin if we get at least $5k during the survey process. If we don't raise that $5k, you will still be able to preorder the Flattened Clip during the survey, it will just ship at a later date. So if you've overpledged to purchase that coin, you'll get it one way or another! We won't be counting Backerkit funds towards the free bronze Clip stretch goal. 

Vin and Kelsier's Flattened Clip: still unlockable!
Vin and Kelsier's Flattened Clip: still unlockable!

 Backerkit surveys

We're hard at work on getting your surveys prepared. We will be sending those within the next 2 weeks. That email will come directly from Backerkit (not from Kickstarter), but I will write a Kickstarter update when the surveys have been sent so you'll know to look for that survey email. 

More updates soon! 


Shire Post Mint

$100k and a Reddit AMA!
over 6 years ago – Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 12:03:45 PM

Stretch Goal Unlocked: $100k - Free Blackened Clips!

Back at $20 or more and get a free Blackened Clip!
Back at $20 or more and get a free Blackened Clip!

This is a big one. Over 1400 backers have helped us get to this monumental goal of being 1000% funded. Once again, we are blown away by the support of the Cosmere community. This means that if you're a backer of the Twinborn level and above, you will be getting at least one free blackened Era 1 Copper Clip with your rewards! The following free coin amounts apply only to your Kickstarter pledge level, and will not change based on overbacked amount or add-ons that you purchase in Backerkit. 

Here's the breakdown:

  • Misting Keychain, Twinborn, Twinborn Keychain, & Mistborn backers receive 1 free Blackened Clip
  • Collector’s Edition and Coinshot backers receive 2 free Blackened Clips
  • Coinshot Deluxe backers receive 4 free Blackened Clips 
  • Cosmerenaut backers receive 5 free Blackened Clips 

Ask Us Anything on our Reddit AMA!

Want to get to know us better? We're doing a Reddit AMA (Ask Me Anything) TODAY, Oct. 26th, on the /r/Fantasy subreddit. Mistborn coin designers Isaac Stewart and Ben McSweeney will be answering questions with us, so we hope to get tons of your questions about Mistborn, fantasy coins, and anything else! Come by and say hi!