
Mistborn™ Coins

Created by Shire Post Mint

Four brand new coin designs from the world of Mistborn™. The coins come from two distinct time periods in the series: Era 1 (The Final Empire) and Era 2 (Elendel). The coin art was designed at Dragonsteel Entertainment by Isaac Stewart and inked by Ben McSweeney. Brandon Sanderson approved the design, metal, weights, and styles of each coin.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Holiday Wrap-up and IMPORTANT Lockdown Deadline
over 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 07:20:31 PM

The holidays are just about over, and shipping season is finished. Kickstarter shipping has hit a lull, so we're taking this opportunity to update you on our progress so far.

Fulfillment Progress

Let's take a look at where we are currently with fulfillment: of our 1,800+ backers we've shipped out 1,356 packages so far, or about 75%. We're proud of this number, but we also want to complete that remaining 25% as soon as possible.

Most of the remaining unshipped backers are waiting on custom coin boxes. Now that the holiday season is mostly over, Wyrmwood Gaming is likely more able to handle large orders like ours, and hopefully we'll be seeing these boxes soon.

Second Lockdown

In the meantime, we're going to lock down a second group of surveys so we can start fulfilling them as soon as possible. About 75 of you have answered surveys since the first lockdown, but there are still about 70 unanswered surveys remaining. We've just resent surveys to ALL backers who are still unanswered. If you don't receive or can't find this email, please message us! We'll be more than happy to give you an easy link to your survey or sort out any other issues you have.

We will lock down orders on Wednesday, January 3rd, one week from today.

Once we have your orders locked in and your addresses are confirmed, we can start sending some of you your coins! We'll also be able to get numbers for additional leather bags and coin boxes.

Questions and Answers

Some answers to questions we've received:

My package was "shipped" ages ago, but hasn't updated! What gives?
I don't think we've made too many mistakes this Kickstarter, but this was one of them. We had a batch of about 80 orders receiving simple burned Cherry Final Empire boxes that we had on hand. We printed postage and were ready to ship...but found out the boxes were missing the foam liners. We've asked for replacement liners and they're on their way, but until then these packages are in shipping limbo (on our counter). This is totally our fault and we're sorry about any confusion/false hope it's caused. If you're in this group, know that your package is safe and will ship the instant we have everything to complete it.

Why is tracking not working for my package?
We're shipping all of our orders through the United States Postal Service. Every order gets a tracking number, but that tracking doesn't work in every country. The USPS has agreements with some countries to update tracking information as packages are shipped. If your country isn't on the list, you'll see your package leave the US, but the tracking information won't be updated after that. This is normal and should NOT affect delivery.

How can I be sure to get in early on the next Kickstarter?
Someone asked if we had a newsletter, and the answer is, we do! This is usually where we break big news first, so if we do have another Kickstarter in the future (and you're interested), that's a good place to be. We're also on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and we've enjoyed talking to those of you who found us and reached out after the Kickstarter.

That's all for now. If you haven't answered your survey or you're not sure, please check, and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to message or email us.

A Message to Mistborn Gift Givers
over 6 years ago – Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 05:08:53 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping has begun!
over 6 years ago – Mon, Dec 11, 2017 at 06:28:04 PM

Steve and Chris packing orders
Steve and Chris packing orders


Surprise surprise! 

We have been busy packing up coins into their archival packaging for the last week. We felt ready to begin shipping, so we sent a few packages out in the middle of last week and a larger batch on Friday. We're still waiting on leather bags (ETA within 2 weeks) and the wooden boxes (ETA 1 month). 

A quick run through our shipping stations!

We'll be shipping rewards that don't include bags or boxes (Mistborn level and below) in the coming week. We'll be working on rewards for the first 1000 backers before moving to the rest of the group. This group only includes backers who answered their surveys before the December 1 deadline (which was most of you). 

Some of you will be probably be receiving your rewards soon, especially if you are in the US. We are shipping with USPS. You'll receive a shipping notice in your email the day that we work on your shipment. It may take a day or so for your tracking info to update.

We'd love to see photos, connect with us to share them with us:

#mistborncoins #shirepostmint




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Era 2 Sets ready to be sent to a backer
Era 2 Sets ready to be sent to a backer


Mistborn Envelopes
Mistborn Envelopes


Detail of the wax seal
Detail of the wax seal

 Thanks for backing!

Surveys locked down! Shipping can start
over 6 years ago – Fri, Dec 01, 2017 at 08:35:28 PM

Happy December! 

We've locked down our Backerkit surveys and are busy over here sorting through the final counts of add-ons and preparing for fulfillment. We've got a few thousand coins to mint, age, and package before we can start shipping. I don't have a firm date when we'll start shipping, but somewhere within the next 3 weeks. 

We can't promise that you'll get your reward by Christmas - especially if you have a leather bag or wooden box in your order. That said, we'll definitely start fulfilling rewards before Christmas. We'll have a better idea of when your rewards will arrive when we get closer to shipping.

Locked Down + Charged

Locking down our Backerkit means that if you answered your survey, you can't change which add-ons you'll be getting. We have also charged you for any add-ons that your purchased through Backerkit using the payment information you've submitted there. You'll probably be getting an email that will allow you to change your address if (somehow) you moved in the last month or so. We'll finalize addresses on Monday.

Less than 10% of backers have still not answered their surveys. This isn't a problem! If you have not yet filled out your survey, you can still answer it at any time, your rewards will just be shipped after the first wave of shipping. If you can't find your survey email from Backerkit, send us a message and we'll happily find your link and send it to you. 

Leather Bags

Master leather worker Griffin over at Griffin Works Leather has been hard at work sewing up the leather bags. We just got him a final count, so we should be seeing these come in within the next few weeks. Coinshots galore!

Leather Bags about to get symbols
Leather Bags about to get symbols


Black bags - The Final Empire, brown bags - Era 2, Elendel
Black bags - The Final Empire, brown bags - Era 2, Elendel

 Wyrmwood Display Boxes

We just sent the final counts to Wyrmwood for the custom display boxes. There are lots of variations for them to produce so I don't expect to have these arrive at our shop before Christmas. 

Bonus for some backers! - If you ordered the standard Cherry box with no adjustments (Cherry, Final Empire engraving, foam liner) and your backer number is smaller than 965, you'll be getting your reward earlier than expected! We ordered some of these boxes early and have them in-hand now. 

More soon! 

-Shire Post Mint

Mistborn Mail and a Thanksgiving Update
over 6 years ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 06:46:49 PM

Hello everyone! We hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! We're back from a weekend of family and food and we're currently working hard sending out orders from our Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale. If you're interested, there are still some great deals on our website.

Mistborn Envelope

On to Kickstarter news. As I was checking the mail today, I found an interesting envelope mixed in with our normal post:

Hmm, this looks a little foreboding...
Hmm, this looks a little foreboding...


Uh oh, it even has the official seal of the Final Empire. This is definitely from the Steel Ministry. Better open it quickly, it's probably important...

Ah ha, it was good news! The Canton of Finance approved our request and sent a sample of the first set of coins! You never know what to expect in a message from the obligators.

Slightly more seriously, we've been working hard getting things ready to start shipping, and these custom Mistborn envelopes have been sent to the printers and should be currently underway. If you're receiving a reward from us, you'll be receiving one of these envelopes. Pre-orders and anyone who orders Mistborn coins from our website in the future will also get their coins in these envelopes straight from the Final Empire.

You can also see the finished packaging for Mistborn Set #1, containing the two coins of the Final Empire. All of the Final Empire coin packaging have an ashen, grungy appearance. Next to be created is the packaging for coins from Elendel, which will be much cleaner and have a more modern look.

Send Us Your Surveys!

This is a gentle reminder to finish up your Backerkit survey if you haven't already. Over 1,600 of you have a finished and sent in your surveys, thank you! We're still on track to start locking down surveys December 1st. After your survey has been locked, you won't be able to change what you've ordered, so make sure everything is as you want it. Instructions below on how to update your add-ons.

It's especially important to get your survey in now if you're getting a leather bag or a wooden display box. We'll be sending order counts to Griffin Works Leather and Wyrmwood Gaming soon after locking down, so it will take a lot longer to get your order if you're not in that initial order group.

As always, message us if you can't find your survey email or have any problems or questions filling out your survey. Usually we respond pretty quickly.

Canada Shipping Error

An important message to our Canadian backers: in order to provide reduced shipping, we intended Canadian shipping to cost $5. However, some pledge levels were set incorrectly and some backers were charged $10 shipping in Kickstarter. Backerkit has the shipping set correctly, so those of you who were overcharged wound up with an extra $5 credit in Backerkit. If you've already used that $5 on add-ons, great! If you don't want any add-ons and would like a refund, please let us know. This is completely our error and we want to correct it for those it affects. Thanks to everyone who brought this issue up to us.

Mistborn Set Combo & PayPal

We said multiple times we would have the "Mistborn" $35 pledge level of all four coins available as an add-on, and then we forgot to add it in! This has since been remedied. We're packaging each Era in its own packaging, so both the "Mistborn" backers and those of you who purchase the add-on will get a combination of both sets in their own distinct packaging. If you already got both sets as separate add-ons, you will probably want to switch to the Mistborn Set Combo, as it's $5 cheaper. Thanks to everyone who reminded us about this.

We've also added PayPal as a payment option at the end of the Backerkit survey. If you would rather not use your credit card, paying with PayPal is a convenient option.

How to Update Your Add-ons

If you need to update anything about your survey after you've completed it, it can be a little confusing how to do so. Let's look at it together.

First, find your survey link in your survey email, or message us to get it again. You should see the survey completed screen here:

Completed Backerkit survey
Completed Backerkit survey

 Click "View Confirmation" in the upper-right corner. Here you can change your shipping address, update your credit card information, or edit your chosen add-ons:

Just click "Edit" and you can add or remove whatever add-ons you wish, as long as your order isn't locked down.


That's it for now! We're incredibly thankful for all of you and your amazing engagement with this project. See you in Update #17.